Joy comes in the morning 

I love when I read my devotionals and they always line up exactly with my life . This is exactly what I needed to read. There are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testament . This helps me to rest assured in knowing I don’t have to question His love or whether or not He will pull through . Whatever storm you are facing, rest today in knowing He loves you , He has big plans for you , and He will pull you through using your situation to glorify Him. 

53. A new day will bring new perspective to your troubles. Psalm 30:4,5 
54. My last words were a promise of power from the Holy Spirit to share my message. That includes you. Acts 1:8 
55. I’m your trustworthy counselor. I will guide you with perfect wisdom. Psalm 32:8 
56. When you decide to walk away from your sinful life – I’ll erase those sins. You’ll be so joyful! Acts 3:19 
Which promise stands out to YOU today? Is there a promise you want more faith to believe? Stop and talk to God now. Memorize ALL the promises.


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