
Bye Bye Dry Skin!


Okay so, I know it has been SO long since I’ve posted anything BUT I just had to write a review on this product!

I have been struggling with dry skin all of my life,and in only a matter of TWO days my dry skin has been non-existent ! I used to always have to exfoliate and then moisturize before every foundation application and at night, or I would just be so flaky! Not only has this amazing product kept me looking hydrated and healthy but it has also given my makeup a flawless finish/ “dewy look” if you will. (which I LOVE). A lot of people say the dewy look makes it just look like oily skin, but I beg to differ. If anything it gives girls a beautiful glow while also allowing them to look hydrated and refreshed!

I signed up to start receiving an ipsy bag which I believe is only $10 a month. You fill out a profile and your interests and skin type, and they send you generous samples of different brand products. I have a very nice collection of high end products and HAIR products as well. It is truly a great investment, and I didn’t have to pay a fortune paying for full sized products just to find this great cream! The sample sizes, I believe are very generous. I have made each product sent last for a few months! Definitely give this brand a look! I believe the average sized cream runs between $23-25 depending on which site you purchase it.

I’m telling you ladies, this cream is a miracle! Before, I would use a moisturizer and by the end of my work shift, my skin had already flaked up! With this moisturizer , I truly don’t even think I would have to apply it everyday if I didn’t wash my face at night! It’s wonderful! Hope this helped you all! If you have any questions or comments, comment below or email me πŸ™‚


The perfect Birthday gift !

Today I celebrated my birthday a day early , treating myself to some Eminence goodness !


Listed above is the Eminence Bright Skin Moisturizer , the facial recovery oil and Jane Iredale’s D2O hydrating spray .

All of these products are extremely dear to my heart because they are completely organic and all of Jane Iredale is mineral makeup , which is so amazing for your skin!

I will list a brief review on each of the products above .

– Eminence Bright Skin Moisturizer- completely organic , containing – whole fruits , vegetables and herbs . It is for people with dry / mature skin and contains a natural Hydroquinone Alternative to help brighten the skin, reduce appearance of dark spots and signs of aging . I’m telling you from experience that this product WORKS. Studies show that within two weeks – the skin shows up to 50% percent improvement ! It also makes my face feel extremely hydrated and fresh all day long !

The Eminence Facial Recovery Oil – is extremely beneficial for me because I have extremely dry skin . It is clinically proven to reduce fine lines , it is age – defying and you only need 2-3 drops to keep your skin looking flawless all day. Also great to use at night! This product balances oil production and is very calming

Jane Iredale D2O hydrating mist- is also awesome for those of you with dry skin, it is a MUST ! It hydrates , conditions and protects the skin but is also great for all skin types! The main reason I have it, however is to set the minerals from my Jane Iredale bb cream foundation, it conceals pores and fine lines and keeps my face looking bright and fresh all day!

Any more questions ? check out our website !

Or email me at

Before and After – bridal makeup practice!


Recently, I have had the pleasure of partnering with the lovely Alison Clem. She is the owner of the Riversong spa, and I am officially working with her! We are promoting mineral makeup such as Jane Iredale, and forΒ  limited time, Glo Minerals. We are also promoting an organic skincare line called, Eminence . The first time I tried it , I was instantly hooked. We together, will be doing anything from spa treatments such as – facials and body wraps, to eyelash extensions.

However, the most exciting of all is – BRIDAL makeup! Pictured above is my cousin Genna, and she was kind enough to be the model for my trial run through learning how to airbrush! I will never go back! The finish was flawless . Amazing coverage but lightweight at the same time.. how can you beat that? This is not your typical bridal look but, Genna wanted deep colors for a more ‘ edgy ‘ look. She was in love, and that;s what is most important! Getting married or interested in makeup for a dance/ upcoming event? Contact information below

Official Site:

Or email me at-

Don’t forget to *Like* us on Facebook! πŸ˜‰

Skincare routine!

To begin!


I run steaming hot water, and lather up some soap and wash everything off. No, you don’t have to spend a fortune on expensive cleansers to keep your face from breaking out. I have very sensitive skin and just use dove soap, Taylor and I both have for years!


Step 2:

I will take a washcloth and apply an exfoliate for my face, normally I use Mary Kay time wise cleanser! The beads present in the formula help to exfoliate! This is an extremely important part that most people tend to skip over. It resolves certain skin problems and helps you to achieve healthy and glowing skin. It can help with : blemished skin, post breakout red/dark marks, clogged pores, hyper pigmentation, obviously dry skin, and those concerned about anti-aging. It actually tricks the skin into acting young again.


Step 3:

I will just normally take some baby oil and a cotton ball to remove excess eye makeup that the soap may not have removed.

Step 4:



and it’s an age fighter! You cannot go wrong with this anti-aging moisturizer! It has been the most effective for me! I don’t get too oily or too dry when I use this.. and also in times passed I have also resorted to coconut oil! It doesn’t clog your pores WHATSOEVER , and it hydrates your skin all day! What is better than that? I buy it at walmart and I believe it’s no more than $2 or 3 !


Lastly I normally tend to my brows. Which I will be posting a brow maintenance blog soon! πŸ™‚

Questions or comments are welcomed!
